Pre-production model shown. Final range and specifications may differ from those depicted.
Frequently asked questions
We answer all your most-asked questions about the Lexus Financial Services Full-Service Lease1, leased vehicles, servicing, insurance and more.
General lease questions
How is a Full-Service Lease different from other leasing options?
All leases have different features and benefits that vary significantly. As a general rule, the Full-Service Lease includes selected running costs that are associated with using your vehicle. Fuel is added on based on individual customer usage and actual spend.
Can I do a Novated Lease through my company?
We offer Novated Leases. If your employer already works with Toyota Fleet Management, refer to the Novated & Salary Packaging Team. If not, please contact your Lexus Dealer for a Dealer Managed Novated Lease.
Can I lease just the car or do I need to include insurance, fuel, tyres and other running costs?
The Full-Service Lease comes with standard inclusions such as servicing, maintenance and Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance[2].
What if I don’t want to lease the full amount? Can I pay a deposit/cash amount?
Deposits and partial payments cannot be made on the Full-Service Lease.
Are there any tax implications or considerations associated with a Full-Service Lease?
For tax questions, please refer to your accountant or tax specialist.
Is it easier or harder to get approved for a Full-Service Lease compared to standard car finance?
There is no difference in approval processes between products.
Battery Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
How do I charge my vehicle?
Vehicles can be charged at charging stations throughout Australia or with a home charging unit.
How do I pay for fuel?
We offer the convenience of cashless motoring with a Motorpass Fuel Card. Accepted at over 90% of petrol stations across Australia. You’ll also receive discounts off the pump price, discounts are maximised at our major partner BP. Fuel charges will be added to the next month’s billing cycle.
Service and maintenance
What if I need more maintenance requirements (e.g. using more tyres than assigned)?
These expenses will need to be paid for by the customer outside of the Full-Service Lease.
What insurance cover is included?
Your vehicle comes with Lexus Full-Service Lease Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance2 built specially for your Lexus. This comprehensive cover offers a high level of care and efficiency in the event of a claim, and a rental car to keep you on the road for up to 30 days.
What excess is applicable?
The basic excess will be $1,000 for drivers aged twenty-five and above, and an additional age excess of $1,000 will apply for drivers below twenty-five years’ old.
If there is an insurance claim, who pays the excess?
You will be liable to pay the excess in the event of a claim where the insurer determines you are at fault and/or where the insurer is unable to recover from a third party. You may not have to pay an excess in certain circumstances, such as where you have provided the insurer with the name, registration number, and address of the party they determine to be at fault.
What happens if the vehicle requires repairs or parts replacement during the lease term?
Where the repairs and/or parts replacements are a result of an accident, you may be able to make a claim under the Lexus Full-Service Lease Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance policy, subject to exclusions.
What happens if I have an accident, or the vehicle is damaged or stolen?
The Full-Service Lease customer support team will connect you to the right team to support you with lodging a claim. The team will help with options (subject to the Full-Service Lease Insurance Guide) such as rental car and what to do whilst the claim is being resolved.
Replacement tyres
How do I know when my tyres need replacing?
When you have your vehicle serviced, they will let you know how your tyres are wearing and whether they need replacing. You should also regularly inspect your tyres for your own safety and contact one of preferred suppliers should you think your tyres need replacing.
Managing kilometres
Why do I have to estimate my kilometres when setting up a Full-Service Lease?
The number of kilometres you estimate to drive will vary your monthly repayment, i.e higher kilometres will mean a higher monthly payment, lower kilometres will mean a lower monthly payment. This is due to the variable elements of the Full-Service Lease including tyre and servicing budgets based on the usage of the vehicle.
What if I go under or over on my kilometres? Do I get a refund, or do I have to pay more?
If you go over, you will be charged for excess kilometres. This amounts to 8.25 cents / km for passenger vehicles and 13.75 cents / km for commercial vehicles, both GST inclusive. No refund is offered for being under your estimated kilometres. However, you can contact Lexus Financial Services to adjust your lease if you are driving more or less kms than you advised initially.
How are excess kilometres adjusted?
Excess kilometres are charged at end of the lease, but contracted kilometres usage can be adjusted at times earlier in the lease.
Every year, can I change my kilometre estimate for next year or is it set at the start for 3 years?
Please contact us to change your kilometres as your situation changes.
Are there restrictions on where I can drive?
No, but there could be restrictions on how the vehicle is used (e.g. rental, ridesharing or off road).
End of lease
Can I buy my leased car outright?
Under the terms of the Full-Service Lease, you must hand the car back at the end of your lease. You may be able to extend your lease (approved applicants only, T&Cs apply).
What happens if the car is outside of Fair Wear and Tear Guidelines?
Lexus Financial Services will perform an inspection on your vehicle at the end of the lease term and charge you for anything outside of the Fair Wear and Tear Guidelines.
Can I exit my lease early?
If you wish to hand the car back before the end of the lease term, an Early Termination Cost will apply.
More information about the Early Termination Cost can be found in the Terms and Conditions, and Fees and Charges Guides.
Managing my lease
Can I customise or modify the leased vehicle?
Lexus Financial Services will include standard manufacturer accessories as part of the Full-Service Lease. You can add non-standard accessories at your own cost, but you must return the vehicle under the Fair Wear and Tear Guidelines which may mean some modifications cannot be made.
Can I make extra payments?
Extra payments above the agreed monthly rental cannot be made.
Can I transfer my Full-Service Lease to someone else if I no longer need the vehicle?
Your Full-Service Lease is not transferable.

Take the next step
Ready to roll your running costs into one hassle-free monthly payment? Contact a Dealer to find out more about a Full-Service Lease.